My name is Nicole Auckland and I am mother to 3 cheeky but very adorable children. My background for the last 11 years has involved being a Massage Therapist, Sports Therapist and an Aromatherapist as well as being qualified in Nutrition. I have worked closely with Chiropractors, Physiotherapists and have been able to help support and nourish the mind, body and soul as a qualified Practitioner.
Issue Five
Lemon Tonic Water- A zesty way to start your day.
By Nicole Auckland
By Nicole Auckland
A glass of water with a squeeze of lemon in the morning revitilises the body and mind and this is why..
1. IMMUNE SYSTEM: The juice of half a lemon in a glass of water is rich in vitamin c, which helps boost the immune system. Easiest way to help the body fight cold and flu.
2. AIDS DIGESTION: Lemon juice diluted in water has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. It has a similar atomic structure to the stomachs digestive juices which in turn helps to cleanse. It can also help to relieve symptoms of indigestion, heartburn and bloating.
3. REPAIRS SKIN: Lemons are the natural cure to skin ageing. The antioxidant properties of lemons help combat free radical damage, which is responsible for the symptoms of ageing. The large Amount of vitamin c in lemons assist collagen renewal and helps hold connective tissue tight.
4. REDUCES APPETITE: Lemons contain a soluble fiber called pectin which is commonly found in citrus fruits. The pectin in lemons helps create a feeling of fullness which suppresses hunger cravings. You're less likely to snack on foods and make poor choices.
5. BALANCES P.H LEVELS: The body requires a balanced pH to function optimally. Too much acidity and the body can become inflamed. Lemons are one of the most alkalizing foods for the body. Due to our diets, our body is generally in a state of acidity (most of us anyway) so 1/2 a lemon squeezed into a glass of water first thing in the morning is the ideal start to the day.
6. FRESHENS THE BREATH: One of the properties of lemons is they are antiseptic. Lemon juice helps to kill bacteria and act as a disinfectant - great for the mouth and breath.
7. LIVER DETOX: Lemon juice water is the perfect liver detox. By stimulating the liver it encourages the production of bile which acts to purify, it also increases the acids required for digestion. It is a general tonic for the liver and helps balance and regulate it's a activity.
TIP: DO AS I DO and start your day with 1/2 lemon squeezed into a glass of warm water, YUM! Get some lemons in your fruit bowl asap!
Issue Four
Soy Candles VS Parrafin- Whats the difference?
By Nicole Auckland
REALLY SOY?By Nicole Auckland
Why Soy I can hear you say…Well let’s start at the very beginning.
In our modern and ever changing world we have embraced all
that is new and ultimately better for us like Wheat grass Chai Seeds, Vitamin
Water and Soy Milk – trendy to say “Ill just have a Soy Latte” but we don’t
always understand why it’s a better choice. Let me shed some light on our good
friend Soy Wax and tell some home truths about Paraffin.
Most candles today are either made from Soy or Paraffin.
Soy wax is derived from soy beans and is a
natural and renewable resource; paraffin is however derived from petroleum
(crude oil) – a limited resource and therefore not considered eco-friendly.
Since soy is a bi-product of a natural vegetable
source we can be assured that we are not emitting harmful toxins when burning a
soy candle, unlike paraffin which could potentially contain many harmful and
hazardous toxins – just think about being at the petrol bowser and how strong
the smell of petrol is – well your paraffin candle is a bi-product of the
petrol making process.
- Soy wax doesn’t burn as hot as paraffin which has many benefits like burning for longer
- Soy candles burn on average 50% longer than paraffin
- Soy candles burn cleaner with virtually no smoke
- Soy wax is easy to clean up with hot soapy water – so you can reuse your jar.
- The list goes on and on…
Sometimes companies can trick you into thinking a candle is
100% pure soy wax when in fact it contains both soy and paraffin. The easiest
thing to remember is if it’s a free standing candle that isn't in a container
then it contains some type of other wax like paraffin. Pure soy candles are
far too soft and need the support of a glass or metal container.
It’s a personal choice as to which candle you choose to
burn, but I’m not taking any chances.. I choose to burn Nash Eco Soy Wax
Candles, which are also available to purchase at Natural Beauty Bar.
Issue Three
Stress Release- The low down on Massage
By Nicole Auckland
Did you know that 15 minutes on the massage table ups your levels of the feelgood hormone oxytocin? As research shows it also decreases your levels of adrenocorticotropin, which is the hormone produced in the response to stress! Imagine what a 60 minute fullbody massage would do for you..
Massage is an age old practice which aims to assist mind and body to
work in harmony. It works by soothing soft tissue and encouraging relaxation. Modern research shows that massage can be used to treat a range of disorders from back pain, anxiety and high blood pressure!
Massage benefits anyone with:
- Headaches or migraines
- Sore or aching muscles
- Tight muscles
- Tension or Stress
- Anxiety or Depression
- Slow circulation
- Sluggish digestion
How does it work?
Rhythmical pressure over muscles eases tension and release
trapped toxins within the muscle (this is what makes muscles ache and feel
pain). Repetitive massage strokes to the muscles calm the nervous system and
result in relaxation and a reduction to conditions like anxiety and stress.
When stress in the body is reduced, issues like poor digestion and high blood
pressure improve.
Manually moving skin over muscles through massage techniques acts to push
blood and oxygen around the body, this improves circulation and assist
lymphatic flow – all important things to feeling good.
Essential Oils In
Essential oils (aromatherapy) in massage assists and adds to
the overall effect of the massage. You can target specific problems by adding
aromatherapy oils to the massage oil.
- Lavender & Peppermint are excellent for muscle soreness (I use this for my sports orientated Clients)
- Geranium, Orange, Lavender – General all round relaxation and harmony
- Grapefruit, Juniper, Lemon – Fluid retention and hangovers (add some peppermint for hangovers)
Massage Types
There are many different types of massage but the most common are:
- Aromatherapy – essential oils made from selected flowers and plants are added to the massage oil for their particular therapeutic properties. For example, the scent of sandalwood is thought to reduce nervous tension.
- Baby massage – can help to treat constipation, colic and sleeping problems. Studies have found that regular massage helps premature babies to gain weight at a faster rate.
- Reflexology – massage of the feet can encourage healing in other parts of the body.
- Therapeutic – also known as ‘Western’ or ‘Swedish’ massage. One of the most popular forms of massage in Australia, this technique is designed to promote relaxation and improve blood circulation.
- Remedial – encourages healing of injured soft tissue, such as muscles, tendons and ligaments.
- Shiatsu – is an oriental massage technique that aims to improve energy flow by working certain points on the body. The underlying principles of Shiatsu massage are similar to those of acupuncture.
- Sports – is a blend of techniques that aim to enhance performance and help overworked muscles to recover quickly.
Issue Two
Aromatic Healing- The Benefits Of Essential Oils in Aromatherapy By Nicole Auckland
Aromatherapy, as its name implies, uses fragrant parts of plants to facilitate physical, mental and spiritual healing. As a holistic or alternative medical practice, aromatherapy seeks to prevent and treat illnesses by initiating responses from the body's instinctive healing properties. The National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy describes aromatherapy as "an art and a science".
Pain relief, reduction of anxiety and relaxation are a few of the proven effects of aromatherapy scents, along with ability to assist and correct skin conditions such as eczema, dryness, acne and Rosacea just to name a few.
Aromatherapy can be experienced by several means:
Essential oils can be used with a base oil and applied to the skin with massage, they can be included in skin care products and applied to the skin as a daily ritual, they can be burned in an oil burner or with the guidance of a health professional can even be ingested in some instances (do not try this at home unless prescribed by a qualified Herbalist)
Some of the most popular and more recognised Essential Oils used in Aromatherapy are:
Peppermint- Used to soothe nausea and other stomach issues, help stop itching, and cool overworked muscles (thanks to the menthol).Add drops of peppermint oil to a bowl of hot water and breathe in the steam to fight congestion, or rub diluted oil into sore muscles. And that’s not all: Peppermint is a key ingredient in oil mixtures that fight PMS, act as an all-natural alternative to VapoRub, cool sore throats, and quiet headaches — and it’s often credited with increasing concentration, so ideal for a mid-afternoon alternative to coffee pick-me-up.
Lavender- Lavender oil’s soft scent is said to help calm the nervous system, improve sleep quality, combat joint pain, and fight everything from urinary disorders and respiratory problems to high blood pressure and acne.
Rose- Rose oil is “the ultimate woman’s oil,” because it has a reputation for improving hormone balance, treating PMS and menopause, counteracting problems in the bedroom, and improving the look and health of your skin.
Geranium- Known as a PMS-fighting solution, but it’s also well-known for its astringent properties — which allow it to refresh skin — and its styptic aspects, which calm inflammations and stop hemorrhaging. You can also use Geranium Oil to treat acne, and oily skin, boost circulation, and decrease bloating. The oil can reduce the appearance of scars and blemishes, get rid of body odor, and contract blood vessels to diminish the appearance of lines and wrinkles.
Get back to nature and try the calming and nourishing effects of essential oils. Aromatherapy is a grounding and holistic way to love and nurture yourself without all the synthetic and chemical nasties of today’s modern world.
Read more:
Issue One
Argan Oil: The Tree of Life By Nicole Auckland
Known as the ‘TREE OF LIFE’ the
Argan Tree produces the amazing ingredient which was know as, Argan oil. The oil is extracted from a nut that
grows on the Argan Tree in Morocco, the tree takes an astonishing 150-200 years
to mature.
Argan Oil is featured in many skin and hair care products due to its
unbelievably nourishing, protective and anti-ageing properties. Naturally rich
in Vitamin A, E, Omega 6 and 9, Argan oil has anti-ageing, hydrating and
revitalizing properties. It is used to soothe skin ailments like chickenpox,
acne, psoriasis, and dry eczema. It is also used to prevent stretch marks
during pregnancy.
It is one of my favourite oils
and features in my Organic Rose Hip Facial Oil, which I know Jaymi has tried and loves! The benefits of a facial oil that not only has amazing features from Rose Hip but also Argan Oil are:
- hypo-allergenic & fragrance free
- daily moisturiser - rich night oil
- regenerative oil for use with burns, wrinkles and scars
- wrinkle defence oil – excellent around the eyes and mouth
- helps to counteract the drying effects from the elements
- naturally rich in essential fatty acids and retin A
- excellent eye makeup remover
- preservative free & GMO free natural anti-oxidants
- suitable to use during pregnancy

If a product features Argan Oil in its ingredient list, it’s defiantly considered
a quality product and worth a try. Argan oil can be quite expensive but many
will agree that it is definitely worth the extra!
You can purchase Nicole's organic Rose Hip Facial Oil online from her website Amboni
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